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Top 5 Microsoft Edge tips to Help You Stay Private

Top 5 Microsoft Edge tips to Help You Stay Private

Protect your online accounts

Use Password Monitor to be notified of any compromised credentials.

There is a repository that compares your possibly comprised credential.   The system compares your credentials to those that may have been compromised. The Microsoft Edge system will alert you of a possible compromise.  This gives you peace of mind that your password is being secure.

Privacy Microsoft Edge

Browse in private

InPrivate browsing keeps searches, data, and passwords off your history

Microsoft Edge is built to help keep you safe on the web and is committed to bringing you transparency and control over how your data is being used.  When you use InPrivate Browsing, your browsing data (like cookies, browsing history, and passwords) isn’t saved on your device when you are done.

Safety settings for the family

Keep data, passwords, and searches of you and your family safe. Microsoft Edge now includes family safety features such as web filtering, Safe Search, and activity reporting

Clean history

Clear your history when closing your browser to keep your searches private.  To clear the browsing data (like cookies, browsing history, and passwords) Select Settings > Privacy and services > and select what you want to clear under clear browsing data.

Did you know

Tracking prevention can help keep data secure when shopping online. Prevent websites from tracking you.  Many websites track your browsing behavior.  To help your privacy while browsing, Microsoft Edge protects you with built-in tracking prevention.

If you have more questions about Microsoft Edge capabilities, please contact us.